Comunn Gàidhlig Thoronto BOARD OF DIRECTORS ROLES
**We are currently looking to fill a Communications Director position and an Assistant Secretary position**
Are you interested in joining The Gaelic Society of Toronto Board of Directors? We’d love to have you!
As a member of the board, you’ll be responsible for a portfolio and ensuring it supports our members. We meet virtually once a month from September to June. Our AGM is held annually in October. All Board members must be Comunn Gàidhlig Thoronto members in good standing. Gaelic is not mandatory but having knowledge of the culture is appreciated.
Below are the descriptions for all positions. The duties and time commitment can be found via the links HERE. If this sounds like something you want to be a part of, please let us know. Feel free to contact us with any questions at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you.
CHIEF - As Chief, you are first-in-command on the CGT Board. You chair meetings and act as a signing
authority for finances. As one of the board leaders, you are a resource for all Directors and help with
other portfolios, if needed.
1 st CHIEFTAIN - As 1 st Chieftain, you are second-in-command on the CGT Board. You support the Chief as
needed, and chair meetings when they are unavailable. As one of the board leaders, you are a resource
for all Directors and help with other portfolios, if needed. You will also act as a second signing authority
for finances.
2 nd CHIEFTAIN - As 2 nd Chieftain, you are third-in-command on the CGT Board. You support the Chief and
1 st Chieftain as needed, and chair meetings when they are both unavailable. As one of the board leaders,
you are a resource for all Directors and help with other portfolios, if needed.
TREASURER - As treasurer, you act as a signing authority for the Society. You are required to attend
monthly Board meetings and provide an update of the accounts.
SECRETARY – You like everything to be organized. You will organize our monthly meetings, send out
agendas and record the minutes for posterity.
ASSISTANT SECRETARY - As assistant secretary, you support the secretary as needed, and monitor the
Society’s email account.
EVENTS COORDINATOR - You’ll bring engaging events to life that bring value to our members. We began
offering virtual events in 2020, so you’ll build on this to offer programming both online and in-person
when appropriate.
COMMUNICATIONS - You’re a social media junkie with an eye for detail. You promote events via our
social channels and newsletters, and you engage members and non-members to keep them up to date.
GAELIC ADVISOR – You are a native/fluent Gaelic speaker. You assist all directors to ensure our Gaelic
messaging and content are accurate and that our customs and traditions align with the Gaelic
community’s culture.
LEGAL ADVISOR – You bring your legal expertise to our Board meetings and keep us out of hot water,
legally speaking.
BARD – You are the Society’s poetic backbone. You attend events and Board meetings and provide
leadership for Oidhche nam Bàrd (The Night of the Poet).
MEMBER AT LARGE – While not holding a specific portfolio, you attend monthly Board meetings, assist
with committees, and help propel the Society’s initiatives forward. With everything you’ll learn, you’ll be
ready to take on a portfolio of your own in the future.
Committee roles for members at large:
Website Administrator – update website, set up Zoom links, email links to event attendees, attend
online events to manage meeting room
Membership Chair – process memberships and work with committees
Gaelic Language Classes Chair – arrange dates, recruit instructors, register students, report to the Board
Committee members:
- Membership committee – brainstorm ideas to increase membership and add value to current members
- Events committee – brainstorm ideas for events with the event director, represent Board at events
- Gaelic Language Classes – brainstorm dates for classes and potential instructors with Chair