Our Fear an Taigh / host for the evening will be Zach Wallace, fluent Gaelic speaker and poet who has an impressive repertoire of songs. We're pleased to welcome Robyn Carrigan joining us from her home in Cape Breton to lead us in some Gaelic singing. Robyn is a well known singer and musician and we're happy to have her joining us again.
A Ceilidh is all about community and coming together! If you have a story, a song, or an instrument you play, we invite you to contribute - skill level is not the important thing at a Ceilidh, so simply join and tell, sing or play! Most of all, we invite you to contribute with your presence and join us!
Simply fill out the form here and we will send you the (Cisco Webex) link to join in online and the (toll) phone # to call in. Don't have a computer? Call in and join - sort of like a call-in radio show!
A link for the songs will be provided in advance.
There is no cost, free-will contributions to our guest musician appreciated.
If you have any questions, email us at [email protected]