Presented by Comunn Gàidhlig Thoronto / The Gaelic Society of Toronto
Wednesday, August 9, 2017 ~ The Alumnae Theatre, 70 Berkeley St, Toronto, ON M5A 2W6
Workshop 1
1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Join Gillebride MacMillan for an intermediate/advanced Scottish Gaelic class. Phrases, idioms, vocabulary and specific grammar points will be covered in this interactive session. There will also be plenty of time for Gaelic conversation. Siuthad!
Workshop 2
3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Gillebrìde MacMillan will teach a range of traditional Scottish Gaelic songs. Pronunciation tips, translations and historical background of the songs will be provided. No previous knowledge of Gaelic required - just a willingness to sing with gusto! Siuthad!
Cost: $15.75 per workshop or $26.05 for both workshops
8:00 p.m.
Cost: $26.05 advance, $31 at the door
Bundle cost for Two Workshops & Concert is $51.75 advance only.
Scroll down to purchase tickets online! For tickets offline, contact Trish at 226-792-7571 or Ishbel at 416-423-4636.
Gillebrìde MacMillan is one of the most sought after modern Scottish Gaelic singers. A native Scottish Gaelic speaker from the Outer Hebrides, Gillebrìde is a regular performer at some of the most prestigious Celtic music festivals throughout the world. He also stars as ‘Gwyllyn the Bard’ in the Sony Starz TV adaptation of Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander. As Gwyllyn, he regales those in Castle Leoch with traditional Gaelic songs and tales. MacMillan’s role as the Bard has been widely acclaimed for it’s subtlety, authenticity and musicality. Outlander has been a huge ratings success and the dedicated followers of the books and the TV series have been fulsome in their praise of MacMillan’s portrayal of the medieval bard.
Gillebrìde MacMillan is a fluent, first language Gaelic speaker. He then learned English in school. He comes from a family with strong Gaelic song and music traditions as his father was an accomplished piper and his mother has a great knowledge of Gaelic songs and poetry.
As well as being a singer, Gillebrìde MacMillan is also a published writer, songmaker and poet and he has performed his self-penned songs and poetry internationally. He has also translated many books from English to Gaelic. Among his translations, are versions of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ and ‘A Christmas Carol’. He has also translated three ‘Adventures of Tintin’ books.
One reviewer described MacMillan as having “a voice that wine writers would love to set their vocabularies loose on – mahogany richness with hints of sea salt, perhaps – and he has a way of singing in Gaelic that conveys the gist and tone of a song by subtle inflection.” Another reviewer commented that his CD, Air Fòrladh “is full of excellent songs sung by one of Gaeldom’s best singers.” MacMillan has performed widely for BBC music shows.
Gillebride has previously performed at the Fergus Scottish Festival and he returns there from 11th -13th Aug 2017. This is his first concert in Toronto.
’S e Uibhisteach a th’ ann an Gillebrìde. ’S e am mac as òige aig Niall Sheonaidh Nèill à Gearraidh Bhailteas agus Ann Dhòmhnaill Ailean ’Illebhrìde à Baghasdal. ’S e Gàidhlig a chiad chànan agus cànan an teaghlaich. B’ e deagh phìobaire a bha na athair agus bha ceòl, sgeulachdan agus seinn anns an taigh fad an t-siubhail.
Tha Gillebrìde ag obair na neach-teagaisg ann an Oilthigh Ghlaschu agus na eadar-theangair Gàidhlig a bharrachd a bhith a’ seinn gu tric aig fèisean agus cèilidhean. Tha e air seinn agus air seinn a theagasg ann an iomadach àite ann an Alba, An Roinn Eòrpa agus anns Na Stàitean Aonaichte.
’S e ‘Air Fòrladh’ an dàrna clàr aige Gillebrìde. B’ e ‘Thogainn Ort Fonn!’ a’ chiad chlàr aige agus tha e cuideachd air seinn air clàran eile leithid ‘Na Seòid’ còmhla ris a’ chòmhlan sin agus ‘Home to Argyll’ – cruinneachadh dhe na h-òrain aig Ethel NicCaluim
Tha pàirt mar bhàrd Chlann Choinnich aig Gillebrìde anns an t-sreath telebhisean Outlander.
Workshop & Concert Choices
Workshop 1 $15.75 CAD Workshop 2 $15.75 CAD Workshop 1 & 2 $26.05 CAD Concert $26.05 CAD Concert & Two Workshops Bundle $51.75 CAD
Gillebrìde MacMillan is fluent in Gaelic, Spanish, Galician and English. He has also released two critically acclaimed CDs, Thogainn Ort Fonn (I’d Sing You a song) and Air Fòrladh (On Leave) – both these are available in hard copy or by digital download. He has also recorded songs on other CDs, notably Mary Ann Kennedy & Na Seòid and Tilleadh Dhachaidh by Ethel McCallum. Gillebrìde is also an accomplished song researcher and expert and in 2013 he produced a CD of traditional songs from his native South Uist.